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    Enneagram & Healing

    On March 5th-7th I’ll be hosting a FREE 3 Day Enneagram & Healing Masterclass.


    Know another Brave Sisters who would love to learn more about the Enneagram?

    Invite her to join Living Simply Brave Community, so you can learn & heal together.

    Over the course of the 3 days we’ll be learning about all 9 enneagram types can lean into healing, how the core motivations keep us feeling stuck, and how we can become fully present to our healing journey.

    Enneagram & Healing Masterclass is for women who…

    -haven’t heard of the enneagram, and are curious about discovering who they are at their core

    -haven’t discovered their type yet, and have a good understanding what the enneagram is

    -know their type enneagram type, but do not know what to do next.

    -want to connect with other women and learn about other enneagram types



    March 5th
    Day 1 7:00 pm EST
     -Connect and learn all nine different types, core motivations and the “BRAVE” method for each Enneagram type.
    March 6th
    Day 29:00 am EST
    -Discover how to choose self support over self sabotaging and start living simply brave and experience transformation in your life.
    March 7th
    Day 3- 7:00 pm EST
    -Live Q/A and hot seat coaching to help you gain a deeper understanding of true grow in your life.


    Over the course of the 3 days we’ll be learning about all 9 enneagram types can lean into healing, how the core motivations keep us feeling stuck, and how we can become fully present to our healing journey.



    Wait did I MENTION, all of this is FREE ❤


    Got Questions?

    A guide map for discovering who you are and understanding why you think, feel, and behave. 
    nine different basic types make up the Enneagram
    The best way to find out your Enneagram type is to look at the core motivations, desires, and fears of all of the types.
    Joining the FREE 3 day Enneagram Bootcamp will give you the foundation you need to understand the Enneagram as a whole and begin your journey to discovering your type.
    Joining Enneagram Bootcamp is the perfect way for you to begin your journey to discovering your type.
    On day two of Enneagram Bootcamp, I will walk you through a typing exercise. A typing exercise allow you to confirm or discover your type for the first time.  You can grab your all access pass to Enneagram Bootcamp here 
    There are many tests that you can take. Here are two that I support:
    Brave Enneagram 
    The Enneagram Institute
    Even though these two Enneagram tests are fabulous resources, it’s important to understand that tests are generally only 40-60% accurate.
    That’s why it’s important to continue to read the explanations of each type and see what feels the most like you, despite the results.
    Not necessarily.
    No one is going to act and behave within their Enneagram type 100% of the time, allowing people to take on some of the qualities of other types.
    However, there is always one personality type that is more dominant and common for us to find relatable.
    This type consists of a set of patterns that have been engrained in us since we were born. 
    Enneagram Bootcamp is the perfect way for you to start the journey of discovering your Enneagram type and learning more about how you think, feel, and behave everyday. 


    Wings are the numbers on either side of your main Enneagram type.
    A lot of people think that wings are just your “second highest number,” however, that is inaccurate.
    They must be on either side of your main type.
    For example, Enneagram 1’s can either have a 9 wing or a 2 wing. Most people feel that they have a stronger wing, but you can tap into qualities of both.
    You will learn more about wings in Enneagram Bootcamp.
    You are on a self-love journey!
    You want to figure out how to relate to others in a deep and meaningful way.
    You want to better understand the motivations behind the ways that you think, feel, and behave.
    You want to learn how to relate to your colleagues and those whom you work with in a professional setting.
    You want to live a purposeful life. 
    Ready to take the next steps on your self discovery journey? Join me and 12 other Brave Women on A Brave Journey 
    As someone who once walked in darkness and recovered, I am now standing proudly as a light to guide women to be BRAVE and THRIVE in life using the Enneagram framework.  
    empower WOMEN to walk through life with PURPOSE, breaking free from fear and shame, rebuilding a life filled with self-support, setting boundaries, and cultivating healthier relationships.
  • Brave Enneagram Club,  Life,  Living Simply Brave,  Study Group

    Brave Enneagram Club

    Doors are opening to the Brave Enneagram Club on June 6th!

    If you are wondering what the Brave Enneagram Club it is a 3 month group coaching program with yours truly 😊

    The Enneagram is YOUR roadmap to discovering WHO YOU ARE! A journey of self-discovery into why you think, feel, and act everyday.

    Brave Enneagram Club- is all about connecting and guiding you on a journey to discovering who you were created to become. You will gain more clarity in so you can break free from shame, fear, and self condemnation.Each week is broken down into easy to understand milestones to guide you through discovering your authentic self.Experience transformation in your health,life, and relationships where you can be seen, heard,and loved as your TRUE SELF.

    The Brave Enneagram Club might be a good fit if you are:

    • Are you struggling with where to begin because now everything is different ?
    • Are you struggle to find yourself and set boundaries?
    • Are you looking for a coach to help implement a clear action plan to make changes in your new routine?
    • Are you looking to heal during this season?
    • Are you wanting to connect with other Brave Sisters on their Enneagram Journey?

    You are not alone on this journey, so many of us have taken on new roles at home and make sacrifices where we can.

    How are your thoughts, feelings, and actions shaping the way you live everyday?

    I’m here to help you create a real life ACTION PLAN to help you thrive during this season so you can:

    • Break free from limiting beliefs
    • Gain clarity around what things you can and cannot control
    • Connect with like minded women
    • Focus on your needs and implement a self care routine daily
    • Dedicate time to pursuing a life full of purpose
    • Cultivate the confidence and courage to set boundaries
    • Build exceptional relationships

    Each of us see the world in one of nine ways which influences how we think, feel, and act with others.

    Discovering your #enneagramtype is the next step to Living Simply Brave one moment at a time. *Registration is limited to only 12 Brave Sisters

  • Brave Club,  Life,  Living Simply Brave

    Girl Stop Apologizing Brave Book Club Week 2

    #GSAbookclub Girl Stop Apologizing Week 2

    #GSAbookclub Week 2 Yes, brave sister start to believe you are enough right now in this moment. We all struggle with the lies we tell ourselves every day over and over again. Today we are digging deep into ✌ more excuse

    Tonight we are exploring 2 excuses of why we aren’t living authentically into who we were meant to be. Girl Stop Apologizing for who you were created to become, you were created with a great purpose. Join us on this amazing journey of #bravebookclub over the next 9 weeks we will continue to dig deep and connect with other brave sisters.

    BRAVE SISTERS I know life is hard but with friends by your side if makes it a heck of a lot more fun 💗 Looking for a community filled with amazing women who are walking through the life a little braver every day come https://www.facebook.com/groups/361733641252035/

    Join us on this amazing journey of #bravebookclub over the next 8 weeks we will continue to dig deep and connect with other brave sisters. Hopefully you have signed up for the book club emails so you won’t miss out on any available information if not click the link below If you like to grab your handouts to go along with click the link below bit.ly/LivingSimplyBrave

  • Brave Club,  Life

    Brave Club- I Can Do Hard Things Day 2

    Welcome Back Brave Sisters!

    I highly encourage you to take some time to really listen in and ask yourself the following questions, today’s topic is very deep and personal.

    Which area did you fall victim to pain during childhood?

    🤔Parental- we didn’t get to choose our parents/ caretakers and unfortunately our basic needs emotionally, mentally, and physically did not get met

    🤔Relational- good relationships with others were not guaranteed, a teacher, coach, relative, or close neighbor spoke words over my life and influenced my way of growing up causing me to feel shame, fear, or anger.

    🤔Physical-physical limitations were placed upon me when I was born or during childhood such as asthma, diabetes, surgery, mental illness, abused emotion-ally, mentally, or physically

    🤔Personality-my unique personality and gifts were too much for the world because they didn’t fit in with the rest of world’s views NOT ‘Fitting in” , “Black Sheep” and “Ugly duckling” syndrome left us feeling depressed, anxious and ashamed.

    What did you desires to hear or feel as a child?

    1-good girl

    2-appreciated, wanted, loved, and needed

    3-successful and accomplished

    4- unique and different anything but ordinary

    5-capable and competent my needs are not a problem to others

    6-security and support to be safe

    7-satisfied and content taken care of emotionally

    8- protect myself and others never betrayed

    9- stable and peaceful because my presence matters

    Looking back AND discovering your source of pain might be a bit overwhelming right now but let me remind YOU!YOU have NOTHING TO be ashamed of in this moment, you can not hold yourself responsible for what you did not know.

    It’s never too late to Break FREE!

    Wanna find out more about yourself, how and you think, feel, and act they way you do everyday?

    Discover your Enneagram Type, start living authentically into who you were created to become by scheduling a Discovery Call with me today!

    IF you are ready and have some time this week, I would really appreciate your honest answers and responses in the Living Simply Brave Survey

    Not already part of Brave Sisters Community come along on this amazing self discovery journey along side like minded women who see, hear, and love you truly as your AUTHENTIC self!

  • Life

    Brave Club- I Can Do Hard Things Day 1

    Woo hoo!! Today we are embarking on a new journey, one filled with insight, understanding, and lots of grace.

    We are all in this together, the entire world is struggling with finding a new balance in this new season.

    Each of us are either indirectly or directing being affected by COVID-19 and we must choose to do this hard thing whether we want to or not.

    None of us have ever experienced anything like this before, however we have all gone through challenges and pain in the past. Even though we are all created different with different gifts, we tend to see and experience life in one of nine different ways.Over the next 15 days, my hope for you is to experience life in a new way to move you out of stress and back into alignment of who you were created to become.

    In 15 days where do you see yourself, stuck in the same struggle or do you see transformation?

    IF you are ready and have some time this week, I would really appreciate your honest answers and responses in the Living Simply Brave Survey link below

    Living Simply brave Survey

    Not already part of Brave Sisters Community come along on this amazing self discovery journey along side like minded women who see, hear, and love you truly as your AUTHENTIC self
    I want in!
    Wanna find out more about yourself, how and you think, feel, and act they way you do everyday?

    Discover your Enneagram Type, start living authentically into who you were created to become by scheduling a Discovery Call with me today!
  • Brave Club,  Brave Sisters,  Finding God,  Life,  Living Simply Brave,  Study Group

    Brave Club-I Can Do Hard Things Study

    Hello Brave Sisters!

    Today we embark on a new journey, where we become more aware the things needing to change!

    Everyone is experiencing changes in this season, some are experiencing them at a faster rate than others. I am here to support you the best way I know how to teach you the ways in which I have experienced MASSIVE change.

    Join me everyday M-F at 3:00 pm EST April 6th- April 24th in Brave Sisters Community for insight into a whole new world of doing hard things for positive growth in your life.

    Know a Brave Sister who is struggling during this season, invite them along to join. OUR Brave Sisters Community is stronger because you show up and become a little braver EVERYDAY.

    We can stand on God’s promises together and grow stronger together.

    Looking for some extra support during this season, I am offering 30 minute COMPLIMENTARY SUPPORT calls for Brave Sisters who are struggling and need some guidance.

  • Brave Club,  Finding God,  Life

    I Can Do Hard Things…

    One day, we decided to take a journey. We signed up to take a trip on bus, we had no idea where we were going, but everyone else was going so why not join in on the fun.

    Boarding the bus, was the easy part. However, paying the fair became one of the most expensive tickets we have ever purchased. We have all boarded the struggle bus, at some point in our lives.

    Are you ready to get off the struggle bus so you can break free, set healthy boundaries, and build exceptional relationships?

    Now is the time to invest in building a better future for free!

    Join me in daily to discuss how you can learn how start Living Simply Brave one moment at a time.

    For the next 15 days we will be digging in deep to understanding how we can thrive during this new season.

    Are you ready to get off the struggle bus once and for all?

    Tune in everyday to hear more about how YOU can continue to do HARD things with out feeling paralyzed by fear, climb out of the suffering and learn to dream bigger than you ever imagined.

    IF you are ready and have some time this week, I would really appreciate your honest answers and responses in the Living Simply Brave Survey link below

    Not already part of Brave Sisters Community come along on this amazing self discovery journey along side like minded women who see, hear, and love you truly as your AUTHENTIC self

    Wanna find out more about yourself, how and you think, feel, and act they way you do everyday?

    Discover your Enneagram Type, start living authentically into who you were created to become by scheduling a Discovery Call with me today!

  • Life,  Living Simply Brave

    Be Brave, with your life one moment at a time

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live COMPLETELY into your purpose??

    I have thought a lot about this over the last few years and wanted to know what living into my purpose looked like. I would lay my head down at night and wonder WHO am I NOW?

    I dreamed really BIG, BIGGER than I could ever imagine last year. In one of the hardest seasons of my life I choose to reach for more because I knew God was not done with me.
    Do you want to DREAM BIGGER and live authentically into who you were created to BECOME?

    IF you are ready and have some time this week, I would really appreciate your honest answers and responses in the Living Simply Brave Survey link below

    Not already part of Brave Sisters Community come along on this amazing self discovery journey along side like minded women who see, hear, and love you truly as your AUTHENTIC self

    Wanna find out more about yourself, how and you think, feel, and act they way you do everyday?

    Discover your Enneagram Type, start living authentically into who you were created to become by scheduling a Discovery Call with me today!

  • Life,  Living Simply Brave

    Get off the Struggle Bus!

    👈Hey you… YES you!! I see you sitting on the struggle bus, hoping tomorrow everything will be better than today.

    No doubt, life is hard.

    Over the years, I filled the bus with all sorts of things including but not limited to: excuses, shame, guilt, anger, resentment, frustration, envy, and pride.

    I feel as if, I lived on the struggle bus my whole life. One day I woke up and realized I had to get off the bus!

    Are you READY to get off your struggle bus??

    In four days, YOU can learn how to👇

    ✔ surround yourself with like minded people

    ✔ build exceptional relationships

    ✔ be brave with your life

    ✔ live your in alignment with who you were created to become

    ✔design life around who YOU are

    Join me for the FREE Living Simply Brave Masterclass “Connecting YOU” on March 6th at 12 PM EST.

    C.R.E.A.T.E Cultivating Connections allows you to get back up, reclaim your ife, and step into your purpose.

    Register for a once in a life time opportunity to gain access to Masterclass “Connecting YOU” for FREE at bit.ly/LSBticket

    Not already part of Brave Sisters Community come along on this amazing self discovery journey along side like minded women who see, hear, and love you truly as your AUTHENTIC self

    Wanna find out more about you, your Enneagram Type, and how to start living authentically into who you were created to become schedule a Discovery Call with me today!