Meet Liza Jean

My Brave Story

Hi! My name is Liza Jean and I am excited to connect with you!

Connection is why I’m here. To those of you who are struggling to find your light, you are not alone.

As someone who once walked in darkness and recovered, I am now standing proudly as a light to guide you and help you thrive in life.

You can break free and stop carrying around the shame and guilt of those who hurt you.

It is not your responsibility to hold their pain anymore.

If you are tired of staying stuck, feeling ashamed, and believing you’re not enough, you’re in the right place.


I believe YOU can create a life full of purpose, an abundant life by Courageously Redefining Experiences Authentically Through the Enneagram.


To those who are struggling to find their light, I am here for you.


I empower WOMEN to walk through life with PURPOSE, breaking free from fear and shame, rebuilding a life filled with self-support, setting boundaries, and cultivating healthier relationships.


If this sounds like something that resonates with you, I encourage you to read on to learn more about my own journey that brought me to this place.


I live in Florida with my supportive husband and two daughters with our puppy Lunchbox.

While now I am on a path of healing and wholeness, I personally have experienced feelings of being stuck in all areas of my life, with no support system and filled with shame.


As a child, my life was filled with difficult and traumatic experiences created by the choices of others.


I bet you can remember a time when others made a big decision for you and you were forced to live with the consequences.


I grew up in a family full of dysfunction; both my parents struggled with alcoholism and maintaining healthy relationships.


Because my parents were separated prior to my birth and my visitation was in isolation of the other parent, not only was I vulnerable to sexual abuse, but I was also held accountable to maintain secrecy to protect my family.


My voice was not heard when I begged to be kept safe.


It wasn’t until someone asked “the right question” that I began to share the truth and pain I had been living in.

It was in that moment I knew that my life would never be the same again.

Despite this pain and years of enduring the physical & emotional toll that trauma creates, life moves on and I attempted to move with it.


Entrepreneur by 19, married at 20, pregnant a few months later, and bought a house. By all measures, I was curating the life I couldn’t find within the walls of my home growing up.


However, I slowly grasped how naïve, insecure, and lost I was in life with little to no support or hope in sight of living a life full of purpose.


Before long I realized, I didn’t love the life I had created and found myself fighting the hardest battle of my adult life ending my marriage.

I was confused, frustrated, and at my wits end. It seemed everything I had ever dreamed of was falling apart before me.


It didn’t matter how hard I tried to change my life; it came crashing down anyways.


Only after deciding to leave my marriage four years ago, I realized I had lost the person who God had created to me to become.


The hardest part was discovering it was MY job to cultivate the healing within because I spent most of my life chasing people, just trying to have a relationship.

On my healing journey I discovered a tool, the Enneagram, which helped reveal patterns that I had fallen victim to time and time again.


Each one of us continues to choose the same patterns until we find a way to break free and rebuild our lives.


I’ve spent years trying to fix everyone else, but I couldn’t clearly see how much healing I needed myself.


Discovering my enneagram type has allowed me to break free from fear and shame around my patterns of codependency, people pleasing, and living in unhealthy relationships.


These things do not define me but are part of my story.


No longer can I be put in a box and held back from becoming who I was created to be.


Embracing my story with open arms has allowed me to experience freedom and transform the hurt, pain, shame and guilt.


Every day I choose to be brave with my life, by rebuilding my life, setting boundaries and cultivating healthier relationships.


But I can’t keep this to myself. As an entrepreneur at heart – one who thinks outside the box and does things differently than the rest of the world


I want to share this tool with you!

As a trained Enneagram coach, I help you discover your type and guide you to courageously redefine those experiences that have you stuck through the lens of the enneagram so that you can live a life full of purpose!


Are you ready to start Living Simply Brave by discovering your enneagram type, embracing your true authentic self, and living life beyond limitations?