• Life,  Living Simply Brave

    I am a Survivor who is Brave and Courageous!

    I am a survivor…….

    I choose to rebuild my life one day at a time.

    My entire story will bring you to your knees so, I will only share a little portion of my story with you today. I was lost, confused, frustrated, and at my wits ends.

    Everything I ever dreamed of was falling apart before me.

    During that season of my life, I was naive, insecure and my support system was limited.

    No matter how hard I tried to change my life, it came crashing down anyways.

    We ALL have been through trauma of some kind in our lives and even may be experiencing a challenging season right now.

    However, I want to remind YOU 👈
    -you are not alone on this journey
    -you are worthy of LOVE
    -you belong in this community
    -you can live authentically into who you were created
    -you are beautiful, strong, and brave

    When you are ready to come along on this amazing journey of sharing YOUR testimony we will be here patient waiting

    Each week one of you will have the opportunity to be featured on Living Simply Brave Blog to share your testimony as you see fit and even anonymously if you wish.

    So many women need to hear your life changing testimony, so have a little faith in yourself and reach to me my inbox is always open.

    Not already part of Brave Sisters Community come along on this amazing self discovery journey along side like minded women who see, hear, and love you truly as your AUTHENTIC self

    Wanna find out more about you, your Enneagram Type, and how to start living authentically into who you were created to become schedule a Discovery Call with me today

    #survivor #christianenneagramcoach
    #rebuildyourlife #livingsimplybrave #identityinchrist #enneagram #bethelight #speakyourstory #bethechangeyouwanttosee

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    Brave Book Club


    👈 YOU get ☝️ life and thousands of opportunities to move towards a life #fullofpurpose.

    One moment at a time you can C.R.E.A.T.E

    How will you Create this week?

    Come along on this journey as we Discover Who You Are!

    #enneagram #christianenneagramcoach #livingsimplybrave

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    Create Cultivating Connections

    Every single day, most of us go through the motions.

    One day we wake up and think “how did I get here”?

    Wondering what went wrong, how all of a sudden things felt out of place and broken.

    We start replaying the years over and over in our heads, believing if we had tried a little harder or just kept quiet things would be better.

    Nothing happens over night, so stop beating yourself about what you could or should of done different.

    “You can not go back and change the past, you can walk bravely towards the future” -Liza Jean

    Living Simply Brave starts one moment at a time and encourages you to stand on your story instead of hiding within your story.

    Pursuing a life full of purpose, while living authentically into who you were create to become.

    Everyday, I empower women to break free from codependency, set healthy boundaries, and build exceptional relationships with the Enneagram.

    Are you ready to start Living Simply Brave?

    Join me as we dig deep into who you are and why you think, act, and feel the way you do every day with those around you.

    Grab your copy of The Road Back To You

    Join me Monday March 6th Friday March 13th to Create Cultivating Connections.

    Join your Brave Sisters Community on this adventure to C.R.E.A.T.E a life where you are seen, heard, and loved deeply truly as your authentic selves.

    A community designed specifically for empathetic and intuitive type women who want to break free from codependency, set healthy boundaries, and build exceptional relationships.

    Here we will C.R.E.A.T.E. Cultivating Connections through self development. YOU can connect with other like minded women, ask questions and receive support.

    Follow me on the socials: Instagram @Living Simply Brave and on Facebook at Living Simply Brave

    Wanna find out more about you, your Enneagram Type, and how to start living authentically into who you were created to become schedule a Discovery Call with me today

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    Be Brave, Speak up!

    So many times, we believe we are not qualified to do anything. 

    We have learned to believe the words others have spoken into us, since childhood. 

    Can you recall a time in your life when someone told you that you could not accomplish, achieve, or start something? 

    Maybe, you wanted to try out for a sport, join a club, or even make new friends. 

    They spoke a word over your life, before you even attempted to accomplish, achieve, or start something.

    Why would anyone ever do such a thing?

    They do not believe in themselves, therefore, they do not believe YOU have what it takes either. 

    STOP disqualifying YOURSELF, before you even get started. 

    Each and everyone of us, were created unique.

    YOU Matter!

    YOUR Story Matters!

    YOUR Purpose Matters!

    I believe YOU are ready to step outside your comfort zone and show the world how much YOU matter!

    #identityinchrist #worthy #overcomer #discoveryourpurpose #christianenneagramcoach #enneagram

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    F.E.A.R- F.ace E.verything A.nd R ise


    It shows up when you least expect it.

    It stops you in your tracks.

    It keeps you from making mistakes.

    In fact, the definition of fear is “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, on a threat.

    Everyday, more and more people are struggling with fear, which leads to anxiety and depression.

    How can we do good in this world, if all feel is fear all the time?

    Fear itself, is meant to protect us from harm, not keep us from simply living our everyday lives.

    Choosing to be grateful for what we already have.

    We must come together and make a stand against fear.

    We must change our perspective about the word fear.

    We must choose to





    If your ready to take the next step, join hundreds of other Brave Sisters tomorrow for a once in a lifetime opportunity!

    “Cultivating You” is hard work but you can get started today for FREE!!

    Grab all the details and get registered today at bit.ly/LSBInsider

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    Learning to Surrender

    Learning to surrender, is probably one of the hardest lessons you will ever face.

    But… on the other side of surrender is freedom from everything that has been holding you back 🙌

    Have you ever looked around and felt like you do not belong anywhere?

    I have, in fact way too many to count!

    The decision to give my life to God was a defining moment, but choosing to follow his will for life is undeniably the most important thing I have ever done.

    “Before God can multiply you, he willsubtract everything that is dividing you from him”

    Trust in the process of finding YOUR IDENTITY

    Be Brave enough to stand up and speak life into your story, it will be the bravest thing you will ever do.

    #LivingSimplyBrave #IDENTITYINCHRIST #worthy #overcomer #discoveryourpurpose #survivor #childhoodabusesurvivor

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    What is a testimony”

    Has anyone ever asked you to share your testimony?

    A testimonial is a way of sharing and connecting your hard truths with others so they may have the courage to walk through one of the hardest most challenging seasons of their lives.

    Testimonials come in all shapes and sizes, some are so small we dont understand the power of sharing and some are so big they are too scary to share.

    I’ve actually learned to LOVE sharing my testimony with others because I understand the healing and connecting power that lies between vulnerability and courage.

    Sharing your testimony isn’t about playing the victim it’s about choosing to embrace your story and stand on top of the mountain of victory.

    We ALL have been through trauma of some kind in our lives and even may be experiencing a challenging season right now.

    However, I want to remind YOU 👈
    -you are not alone on this journey
    -you are worthy of LOVE
    -you belong in this community
    -you can live authentically into who you were created
    -you are beautiful, strong, and brave

    When you are ready to come along on this amazing journey of sharing YOUR testimony we will be here patient waiting

    Each week one of you will have the opportunity to be featured on Living Simply Brave Blog to share your testimony as you see fit and even anonymously if you wish.

    So many women need to hear your life changing testimony, so have a little faith in yourself and reach to me my inbox is always open.

    Not already part of Brave Sisters Community come along on this amazing self discovery journey along side like minded women who see, hear, and love you truly as your AUTHENTIC self

    Wanna find out more about you, your Enneagram Type, and how to start living authentically into who you were created to become schedule a Discovery Call with me today

    #shareyourtestimony #enneagramjourney #livingsimplybrave #createinspiration #2020vision #enneagram2

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    Living Simply Brave Everyday

    Good morning Brave Sisters!

    So so excited to here with you each and everyone of you, its truly an honor to be doing life with you everyday.

    I’ve been mentioning alot of new and exciting things will be coming.

    NOW is the time 🎉 to step outside the comfort zone I’ve been standing in and I invite YOU 👈 to do the same.

    “If YOUR standing in the comfort zone for too long, growth will cease to exist”- Liza Jean

    I dont know about you YOU 🤔 but I’m not okay with staying stuck in the same junk for the rest of my life.

    For far too long people have placed me in a box and put limitations on MY life.


    I’m ready to break free from codependency, set healthy boundaries, and build healthy relationships.

    How about you?

    Are you READY to up level…

    YOUR dreams?
    YOUR business?
    YOUR relationships?

    Or are you okay with where your at??

    My guess is you joined Brave Sisters Community because your ready to get out of this funk, surround yourself with like minded women, have a safe place to connect and share your hard truths and start Living Simply Brave one moment at a time!

    I’m ready to support you, your dreams, teach you to break free from codependency, set healthy boundaries, live into who YOU were authetically created to become and build exceptional relationships.

    whether you are single, married, or divorced I believe you can have the life you have always dreamed of without sacrificing yourself and walking around always people pleasing.

    YOU were created unique so let’s start sharing with the world who you are so YOU can be seen, heard, and loved as your authentic self.

    Each week you will have the privilege of welcoming new Brave Sisters, hear others testimonies and share our own.

    Also learn and implement tangible life changing skills where you can

    C.R.E.A.T.E – Becoming you

    CULTIVATING – Build healthier authentic self

    CONNECTIONS – Exceptional relationships free of codependency and full of healthy boundaries

    Lastly, you will be able to throw out things that are no longer serving you and life you are building where fear and doubt are NO longer holding you back so YOU can start Living Simply Brave EVERYDAY!

    Dont go through life grow through life!

    Join us this adventure and invite your friends to create a life you where you are seen, heard and loved for you really are. 

    Leave your soul a bit more at peace with every passing encounter. 

    A beautiful life we get to experience together so let’s lift our heads up and walk together and invite your dearest Brave Sisters along as we do life together everyday.

    A community designed specifically for empathetic and intuitive type women who want to break free from codependency, set healthy boundaries, and build exceptional relationships.

    Here we will C.R.E.A.T.E. Cultivating Connections through self development. YOU can connect with other like minded women, ask questions and receive support.

    Join your Brave Sisters Community on this adventure to C.R.E.A.T.E a life where you are seen, heard, and loved deeply truly as your authentic selves.

    Follow me on the socials: Instagram @Living Simply Brave and on Facebook at Living Simply Brave

    Wanna find out more about you, your Enneagram Type, and how to start living authentically into who you were created to become schedule a Discovery Call with me today at bit.ly/ScheduleMyDiscoveryCall

    Welcome Brave Sisters

  • Life,  Living Simply Brave

    Living Simply Brave 2020 Master Class Becoming YOU!

    Today’s the day we get to connect face to face (virtually anyways)

    Are YOU ready to dream BIG, BIGGER than you you ever have…If you never dream how in the heck are you going to accomplish them?This is it .. now is the time to step out of that comfort zone your sitting in!! No more excuses. No one else is going to go after YOUR DREAMS. So fight hard and when your fall down, get back up and keep going!!!Yes, it’s hard work but my Brave Sister, you are strong enough to fight for what you want. If you want it bad enough YOU will find a way.

    Who’s going with me ??

    Join me today at 12 pm EST by clicking the link below Living Simply Brave 2020 virtual workshop 
    Wait.. are you still trying to decide if this is right for you?? 

    If you are reading this now.. you are probably ready to kick off 2020 with big intentions but don’t know WHERE TO START!!

    I am ready to guide you through some of the most impactful self development tools I have ever experienced.. Join me today as I take a HUGE step into my calling and purpose to SERVE OTHERS and coach women to break free from codependency,set boundaries, and build exceptional relationships with the Enneagram.

    I double dare you to join in if you,

    Are sick of putting your dreams on the back burner because you don’t have enough time, you’re terrified of failure, and you don’t even know where to start?

    -Do you struggle to prioritize yourself, our needs, and set boundaries? 

    -Do you have NA-SAYERS in your life who are crushing your list of dreams circling in your head, but no lack an support team to help implement a clear action plan to make them happen?

    -Do you want to do some really exciting ( and maybe kinda scary) things in 2020?

    -Do you want to connect with other Brave Sisters who want to up LEVEL their lives in 2002?

    I hear you BRAVE SISTER, I am right there with YOU!!

    So many of us are so pumped to start the new year off right but end up falling a bit short because all the things are so overwhelming and you don’t know where to start!!

    Well not this year BRAVE sister, not on my watch

     I’m here to help you create a real life ACTION PLAN.  If you have a plan that fires you up, you can (and will) take the next right step.  And meeting any goal is just a series of taking the next right step over and over.

     You’re in the right place if you’re looking to:

    Break free from old habits

    Gain clarity around your goals for 2020 

    Connect with like minded women who are pursuing a life filled goals and dreams

    Build exceptional relationships

    Focus on your needs and implement a self care routine daily

    Dedicate time to pursuing your dreams the ones that light you up 

    Cultivate the confidence and courage to set boundaries

     -Today’s Part 1 of 3 Living Simply Brave 2020 Master Class where we will be digging deeper into Becoming YOU and are personally inviting YOU to join in Brave Sisters Community 

    Want more info about Living Simply Brave’s virtual workshop for those who are looking to up level their lives and began living intentionally 

    Part 1 begins TODAY Jan 10th at 12 pm EST 

    Register here bit.ly/LSB2020 to join me at 12 pm EST for Living Simply Brave’s 2020 Master Class all about Becoming YOU!

    Lets C.R.E.A.T.E together

    Did you miss the Master Class about Becoming YOU??

    Don’t worry you can still join in and find out more about becoming you by Joining Brave Sisters Community

    Our next Master Class is schedule for Feb 8th so be sure to get on the Brave Sisters Insiders List so you don’t miss out!

    Interested in Private 1:1 Coaching???

    Apply Today

  • Finding God,  Life

    Struggles of our past lead us to the future

    So many of you have gone through many challenges, struggles, and break throughs this past year.

    1 year ago I had envisioned women from all around the world, gathering together in a safe place to share our stories, lift each other up, encourage one another, and grow stronger.

    Every single day for the past year I have had the privilege of getting to know so many of you through books clubs, Facebook lives, private coaching and zoom calls.

    I am TRULY honored and grateful for each and everyone of you in our Brave Sisters Community, YOU showed up big time not only for one another but for me💗💗💗

    Thank you!!

    Holding on to the past behaviors and staying stuck is so exhausting and doesn’t allow you to move forward into where you were are destined to be in this bug old world.

    As we finish off this first week in this new decade I encourage you to reflect on last year’s progress.

    Was it what you hoped for?

    Did you accomplish the goals you had set?

    Did you create long lasting relationships?

    Did you just survive on of the hardest years of your life?

    In order to move forward, we must take time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t work.

    Reflection allows us to make progress instead of shaming ourselves into thinking we didn’t accomplish anything.

    As I continue to reflect on my progress through last year I’ve realized when I celebrated those small victories just as much as the big ones.

    My mindset was massive impacted.

    If you are ready to make some progress big or small I’m personally inviting you to join your Brave Sisters on Jan 10th for part 1 of a 3 part series about intentional growth for 2020.

    Register today by clicking the link 👇

    You won’t regret investing in your future 💗bit.ly/LSB2020