• Life

    Brave Book Club

    Welcome Brave Sisters

    We are beyond blessed to be here with each and everyone of you Brave Sisters.

    Each and everyone of you has your own story to tell and we can’t wait to build a stronger relationship with you brave sisters.

    October 1st has a special meaning in my heart for my many reasons… it’s the beginning of the month I celebrate MY welcoming into this world. Also, it’s the start of the LAST quarter of the year and you know what that means.

    We are officially starting #bravebook club again! Woo hoo who loves reading books??

    Rachel Hollis has inspired me daily to live my best life and wrote an amazing book used by many as a field guide to living every day with AMAZING intentions.

    So, Yes! We’ve made it to the point of no return. Tonight we are exploring 3 excuses of why we aren’t living authentically into who we were meant to be.

    Dang Girl Stop Apologizing  for who you were created to become, you were created with a great purpose.

    Do you feel like you are ALWAYS apologizing for everything.. on a recent trip to Seattle I kept running into people all over the airport… and you know what they ALL kept saying to me….

    I’m SORRY!!!!

    why the heck is the entire HUMAN population walking around apologizing for everything ??

    Starting THIS week, every single week for the next 10 weeks ( Until Dec 4th) we will be covering 2 chapters of Girl Stop Apologizing so get your hands on an audio version or a hard copy of the book today and click below to join your BRAVE SISTERS dig deep and connect with other brave sisters.

    Join us on this amazing journey of #bravebookclub 

    Hopefully you have signed up for the book club emails so you won’t miss out on any available information if not click the link below
    bit.ly/LivingSimplyBraveSee Less

    So excited to be on this journey with you brave sisters💗

    Want to connect more check the socials

    Facebook Page Living Simply Brave


    Facebook Two Brave Sisters Community


    Brave Sister Liza Jean


    Follow us on Instagram



  • Life


    What goes on when YOU begin the road to discovery WHO YOU ARE?

    People start telling YOU that YOU are selfish or self centered. They start criticizing YOU. They start bombarding YOU with their opinions on why you should not. They start ALTERING YOUR JOURNEY TO CONFORM TO THEIR JOURNEY.

    Then are those who will applaud you for really beginning this journey because they understand the importance of this road to discovery that you need to face. Those are the ones you want on your side.

    These individuals will ENCOURAGE and INSPIRE YOU.

    BUT, the question is how do you feel? How do you feel going on this self-discovery? Do you feel embarrassed? Do you feel sad or even depressed? Do you feel anger or fear? or do you feel happy, joyful, and even productive? Maybe the emotions are a bit of everything because you do not know what is at the end of the road. But this is what the journey is truly about.

    BRAVE SISTER– it is okay and it will be okay. The journey that you are facing right now is never easy. It will be a struggle every. single. day. But YOU have to keep going. You have to keep fighting. YOU have to keep pushing. Because I promise the end is so worth it!



    Your Brave Sister- Kayla Marie

  • Brave Club,  Life,  Living Simply Brave

    Perfectionism and how to let go..

    “A moment of self compassion can change your entire day, a string of such moments can change the course of your life” – Christopher Germer

    As part of this months book club we are reading Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown.

    Opening the chapter on perfectionism immediately gave me anxiety and fear because I know that I’ve got a lot of work to do with self compassion and this so called perfectionism that I pretend I do not have.

    As long as I can remember I’ve always focused on giving compassion to others no matter what, even if it meant sacrificing my own needs. However, it happened my world was turned upside down one day. When I was told you can not continue to negative self talk yourself anymore! You wouldn’t surely speak to your friends that way would you? So.. why are you constantly doing it to yourself on a daily basis.

    Before digging deep into this book my rough definition of perfectionism was

    “going above and beyond and being perfect at everything you do or say including but not limited to the way I look, speak, dress, act, and above ALL earning approval and ACCEPTANCE from EVERYONE” regardless if I even knew them well enough or not

    I’ve never been obsessed with perfectionism but from a very early age I was taught this overall concept of perfectionism. Focusing more on what “others” thought or would say if I did not do something to their liking or “standards” was I good enough for them?

    YEARS and years of this behavior leads you down a deep dark path of “I am what I accomplish and how well I accomplish it”

    The three P’s start manifesting in your daily thoughts Please, Perform, Perfect all while hoping to avoid or mask SHAME ( we are not good enough) I truly believe this is how the majority of women and maybe even men think and get an overwhelming feeling of carrying around who Brené calls a “twenty ton shield” we think will protect us from feeling SHAME.

    Holy smokes.. my socks were blown off after reading what Brené talks about as ” Healthy striving is self focused – How can I improve? Where as perfectionism is other focused- What will they think?” this makes me starting wondering is it possible to change this mindset and myself….?

    I’ve discovered and realized the need to learn the real difference between the two because it is essential to laying down the shield of Blame, judgement, and shame and choosing LIFE one filled WITHOUT perfectionism!

    YOU.. may be asking yourself why do I want to stop striving for PERFECTIONISM? Well here are two reasons why:

    First off perfectionism is self destructive at it’s core and completely impossible to be perfect at everything you do on a daily basis, let alone being perfect for the rest of your life. Growth tends to happen when you step outside your comfort zone and you can not expect to change to happen if you are not willing to change! When you starting moving towards change you will definitely encounter moments where you do not know everything about what you were working towards accomplishing it is physically impossible.

    Secondly perfectionism is addictive in nature by the simple fact when we experience judgement shame and blame we believe deep down inside WE weren’t perfect ENOUGH! We tend to enter this vicious cycle of looking for ways to become perfect in every way by focusing on the way we act, look, and think. Never ending mantra ” I am NOT good enough”

    Brave Sisters we have to begin breaking this cycle RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!

    I want to inspire you what ever season you are in, where ever you are on this planet earth to claim today ” I am ENOUGH” in this moment, every moment from here on out.. no matter what anyone says or believes.

    There is no better time to start then NOW… tearing down the giant wall you have built around you and removing the heavy burden you have been carrying around your entire life.

    Embrace your imperfections and start loving YOURSELF wholeheartedly and off as much compassion to yourself as you can right now. You will allow your vicious cycle to change little by little and eventually move towards offering not only yourself courage and compassion but you will feel more connected to others at a deeper level.

    Relying on the old “fake it till you make it” concept is a good place to start however, I would like to introduce you to a new concept


    Having faith and believing is sometimes exactly what you need in the moments of darkness.

    “Light can only truly shine bright in complete darkness” -Two Brave Sisters


    Get Deliberate: Be aware and mindful of those over identified feelings “Be kind to yourself; this is not a big deal”

    Get Inspired: There is a crack in everything that’s how light gets in” Imperfections do not mean we aren’t good enough were all in this together IMPERFECTLY together!

    Get Going: wake up everyday “Today I’m going to believe that showing up is ENOUGH”

    Tonight I pray these words ” Lord empty me of me so I can be filled with you”

    Your Brave Sister- Liza Jean

  • Life

    Weight of the World, upon our shoulders…

    Do you ever feel like you constantly have the weight of the world sitting on your shoulders.. holding you down so much you feel like you can’t get back up?

    No matter what you do to relieve this weight it stays there, it’s a constant battle to keep going, to get up, to get rid of all this weight, feel like your limits, and your boundaries are being pushed?

    I know this has been a constant battle for me this year and its SO frustrating to ALWAYS feel like you’re going 100 mph. Constant expectations of those around you just keep pilling up; feeling like NO matter what you do you CAN’T meet those expectations.. just moments from breaking.

    But have you ever stopped and took time for YOURSELF?

    Your answer is probably no! Brave Sister you have to remember just like I do to take care of yourself and while you may have the weight of the world on your shoulder’s it’s not yours to always carry.

    It is not your problem to constantly worry about what others think, feel, or say about you in any way!

    Brave Sister I need you to remember it is okay to be SELFISH

    Brave Sister definition of SELFISH :the act of doing for one’s self; not another; leading to a more fulfilled life with family and friends)

    It’s okay to say NO, to only worry about yourself when you can no longer keep going..

    Don’t ever let others make you feel guilty or feel any less. You DO NOT need to constantly carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, you DO NOT need to keep tending to the needs of others, and you DO NOT need to meet anybody’s expectations but your OWN!

    You need to remember that you are WORTHY, you are LOVED and no matter where we go in life you are WANT

  • Life

    A Mother’s Love

    Here’s to yet another difficult holiday passed. A holiday that while everyone is celebrating and joyous, I am putting on a Brave face . In my mind that’s what I have to do, it’s what I have to do….

    Many do not understand nor know the hurt inside, the pain, the wishing moments and the what if’s. Many cannot comprehend how someone can love another human being they’ve never seen or touched. And most do not understand why those of us who lost a child still grieve the most important holidays.

    Today would have been my first Mother’s Day as a mother! Today I would have been celebrating the most precious gift.

    While feeling this emptiness I am reminded of God’s purpose for ME. I am reminded God does have a plan for me and out of pain comes comfort.

    Your Brave Sister- Kayla Marie

  • Life

    Embracing a new journey

    As I sit down to write.. I am overwhelmed with feelings of the past, present, and future. I can’t figure out where to start my story. I’ve been waiting for the right time to journal and get those feelings out of my head onto paper. But it never happens, I just find another excuse to busy myself so that I don’t have to feel those feelings. Can you relate?

    For so long I’ve ignored these so called feelings.. what are feelings anyways? Feelings can be defined as an emotional state or reaction but do you ever really spend anytime during the day to allow yourself to really feel any emotions. Most likely not. I have to admit I actually spend way to much time feeling..in fact I think I spend a good portion of my day feeling everything for EVERYONE ELSE around me.

    THIS keeps me from feeling my own feelings..molding and putting myself into everyone else’s shoes in the IMMEDIATE present.. so how does this all come full circle.. I find it way easier to ignore my own feelings and focus my attention toward those around me who seem to need my help in some way regardless of if they really do or not.

    TODAY I am claiming this simple fact and not letting the fear of being seen completely as myself in this present moment SHAMEFUL no in fact I am going to be BRAVE and continue to share my story in hopes of inspiring someone to look a bit deeper into themselves and start asking their own questions as to

    WHO are you?

    WHERE are you going?

    WHAT are you doing to do to get there?

    Well I’ve finally decided to just make a commitment to myself and just dedicate time every week to show up as my true self… completely vulnerable and just write no matter what it is.. I WILL WRITE!

    As Brene Brown says “How much we know and understand ourselves is critically important, but there is something that is even more essential to living a Wholehearted life: LOVING OURSELVES

    so this is me LOVING MYSELF, sharing the everyday truths of my life regardless of who shows up, where I am, and what is happening. I am learning everyday to take one step at a time to walking towards who God’s called me to be.

    Accepting the true hard fact it’s okay to say
    “NO” rather than “SURE”

    So cheers to learning how to worry more about how I feel and less about “what people might thinkSetting NEW boundaries by letting go of MY need to please, perform, and perfect everyone and everything by showing up and living simply brave everyday! #TwoBraveSisters

    Your Brave Sister-Liza Jean

  • yoga

    30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 30

    Welcome Sisters!

    #30daysbraveyoga #twobravesisters @two_brave_sisters #braveyogaeveryday #simplybraveeveryday


    Journal Prompt for day 30 will be focused on answering these questions:

    What have you learned from this 30 day yoga challenge?

    What do you need to forgive yourself for?

    What limiting beliefs of mine are keeping me from taking my life to the next level?

    Join Two Brave Sisters Community

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 29

    Welcome Sisters!

    Reveal your true inner self to everyone around because they are waiting. Most days we walk around hiding our true identities because of fear sharing our true selves with others because we are different.

    We are approaching the end of this 30 day Brave yoga challenge and I know you have faced many challenges moving into each pose but what have you learned?

    #30daysbraveyoga #twobravesisters @two_brave_sisters #braveyogaeveryday #simplybraveeveryday


    Journal Prompt for day 29 will be focused on answering these questions:

    3 long term goals you want to accomplish by end of year

    What distractions have been hindering my productivity? How can I reduce them?

    Where does your pain originate? What would need to happen for you to heal?

    Join Two Brave Sisters Community

    * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 28

    Welcome Sisters!

    Can you believe were on day 28 oh my goodness Brave Sisters you are all doing an amazing job still showing up and kicking butt..

    It’s funny how at the beginning of the 30 day brave yoga challenge we were all asking our selves all sorts of ” if only” questions

    If only I was more flexible I could do these poses

    If only I was more morning person I would get up first thing in the morning and get my daily yoga pose in

    If only I was strong enough I would be able to get the pose just right the first time

    Brave Sister you were not alone in these thoughts… or negative self talk at all.. BUT where are your thoughts now sisters?

    Are you feeling a lot more confidant now that you have been getting on your mat everyday or are you still struggling with some of these thoughts?

    Research has shown that boosting your “daily uplifts” ( uplifts are moments of caring connection with other people, with nature, with God, your deepest authentic self, yoga, with anything that makes you feel nurtured or cared about) factor can make the difference between thriving and just surving.

    So are you going to continue to thrive or go back to surviving everyday..

    Because I’m going to continue thriving and making a commitment to myself of practicing yoga everyday in 2019 and learn as many new poses/ flows to nurture my mind body and soul.

    Would you like to continue your journey along side me ? I would love the companionship and support. Leave a comment below or contact me directly to connect with me.

    #30daysbraveyoga #twobravesisters @two_brave_sisters #braveyogaeveryday #simplybraveeveryday


    Journal Prompt for day 28 will be focused on answering these questions:

    What do you need to start saying yes to?

    What do I love about life and how can I live more passionately?

    What/who inspires you the most? Why are you drawn to those inspirations?

  • Uncategorized

    30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 27

    Welcome Sisters!

    Happy Wednesday Brave Sisters!

    We have made it to day 27 of the 30 day Brave yoga challenge woo hoo that is definitely something to celebrate.

    Alot of you Sisters have been really stepping outside your comfort zones and I am so proud of you. I’ve really noticed alot more connection with my body as I step on the mat more and more.

    My true hope is you are feeling the exact same thing, I know alot of you Sisters are brand new to this yoga thing. However, when you remember your on your own individual yoga journey, you can find inner strength to keep investing in yourself.

    Self care over the last few months has been so so important for us, because without it we tend to fall into old habits you know the ones I’m talking about..eating everything in sight, negative thoughts, not choosing the right moments to really reflect upon.

    Keep on showing up because you know what happens when you stop, so dont give up on yourself.

    Live Simply Brave

    #30daysbraveyoga #twobravesisters @two_brave_sisters #braveyogaeveryday #simplybraveeveryday


    Journal Prompt for day 27 will be focused on answering these questions:

    What makes you happiest in life?

    What would you do if you were not afraid?What makes me come alive?

    When was the last time I felt truly alive?