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    30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 16

    Welcome Sisters!

    You are back for another day of yoga and I am so thankful that you are sticking with it and sticking it through! Keep staying strong. Don’t get discouraged by the obstacles that get thrown your way. You will get through it, just breath and take it one obstacle at a time. Do not worry.

    Take time today and focus on yourself. This journey is all about self love and finding a deeper connection within yourself.

    Step on your mat and focus on your breathing for 1-2 minutes. Proceed with todays journaling and yoga pose.

    Journal Prompt for day 16 will be focused on answering these questions:

    What are you proud of? What do you see as your biggest accomplishment?

    Describe your best birthday ever

    If I had all the time in the world, what would I want to do first?

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 15

    Welcome Sisters!

    Happy Friday! The weekend has arrived and we know what that means. Time for some fun and relaxation for most of us. Time to sit back and embrace everything you faced during the week. I know that on the weekends we think that we are allowed to slack off from our daily routines but in fact this is when you will be tested the most!

    How bad do you want this? I think pretty darn bad if you have made it this far. I challenge you this weekend to stay consistent with your daily yoga habits and keep encouraging your sisters to stay strong!

    Journal Prompt for day 15 will be focused on answering these questions:

    Describe yourself in three words 

    What keeps you up at night?

    What’s draining my energy? How can I reduce or cut it out?

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 14

    Welcome Sisters!

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Today all around the world we celebrate LOVE! But who says you can’t celebrate the love you have for yourself. Embrace all of you, knowing you were made unique.

    Today marks the end of week 2, so far you’ve learned the basics and how to stand tall and balance.

    As we head into week 3 remember you are on your own individual journey and your are going through this challenge at your own pace, it’s okay to go back over the previous poses in face I encourage it! Keep practicing everyday where ever you are breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, surrendering all fears and worries.

    Journal Prompt for day 14 will be focused on answering these questions:

    What are 5 things on you bucket list?

    What do you want people to remember about you?

    Think of 5 ways you enjoy relaxing, and for the remainder of the challenge start incorporating them into your life? When did you experience joy this week?

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 13

    Welcome Sisters!

    Where ever you are today across the world my sister, know I’m rooting for you and cheering you on! You’ve come this far don’t forget to look back and see how much you have accomplished. You may not be perfect in every pose yet, but your still showing up and that is truly an AMAZING accomplishment. I’m going to encourage you to keep going back to the previous days poses and really learn how to get into each pose with such a fire burning in your soul.

    Beyond blessed to be walking on this journey with you all, it’s been keep me on track to living my best life even when I do not feel like showing up.. this past week had been filled with a few challenges and a million excuses to not get on my mat. But because I know how wonderful it feels after I work through my yoga flow, the strongest excuses can not keep me off my mat.

    Cheers to another day of being the best you can be regardless of the world running at a million miles around you!

    Journal Prompt for day 13 will be focused on answering these questions:

    What is one thing you want to be remembered for?

    What is going right in my life? If you could change just one thing about yourself, what would it be? How do you think your life would be better? Have you ever tried to change it? 

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 12

    Welcome Sisters!

    Well well well.. you might not feel like showing up today because something got in your way or someone made you feel all out of sorts.. so that just means you get to show up anyways for yourself!!!

    Life is going to get hard and when it does you will be prepared to take anything on that gets thrown your way. Why do you ask? Well first off you are loved beyond your wildest dreams by the creator himself no matter what! Second because everyday you keep showing up for yourself NO one else! Stop letting those lies you tell yourself completely throw you off course, you are perfect in this moment and have the ability to make the choice to live fully in today or just let the blessings of today pass you by.

    Journal Prompt for day 12 will be focused on answering these questions:

    What is your best purchase you ever made? Why?

    What would make me happy right now?

    What is something you always wanted to do as a child but never got to do?

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 11

    Welcome Sisters!

    Happy Monday! We hope that each and everyone of you enjoyed your weekend. We hope that it was filled with blessings and showed you every reason to be grateful.

    It is a new week. Which means new opportunities, new changes, and new habits to create while breaking old ones. Our hope this week is that you continue to grow and work on yourself, that you dig deeper into finding your true self. We hope that you continue finding your yoga flow.

    Journal Prompt for day 11 will be focused on answering these questions:

    Describe your dream vacation

    What do you need more of in your life?

    If you could go back in time, what would you say to yourself at age 5, 15, 25?

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 10

    Welcome Sisters !

    Day 10! Wow I cant believe I’m saying this but did you really think you would make it this far? Because I did.. why do you keep showing up everyday for this 30 day yoga challenge because you my sister are creating a new way of waking up to a new day or finding peace in your night routine.

    Don’t let your head and heart be filled with the fear and lies that you can not find the strength or the time during the day to step on the mat. Rather remember how far you have come along on this journey so far and find peace in knowing you are capable of moving into each pose at your own pace. Sister today we celebrate your strength and courage, so let those blessings over flow into your daily routine.

    Journal Prompt for day 10 will be focused on answering these questions:

    What is the nicest thing someone had ever done for you or said to you? Why did this mean so much to you?

    How do you feel at this moment?

    Do you see yourself as an optimist, pessimist or a realist and why?

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 9

    Welcome Sisters !

    Good morning! Make sure today you take time to sit and move into each pose. Its bee a long week learning each pose so listen to your body and make sure you are breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.

    Embrace this journey and feel everything your body is telling you. Yoga is so restorative and healing, so grab a cup of your favorite coffee or hot tea and reflect back on this past week. Write down everything your feeling so you can look back on this new journey of growth.

    Journal Prompt for day 3 will be focused on answering these questions:

    What are your goals for this year?

    What can I do to take better care of myself?

    At the end of my life, what do I want my legacy to be?

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 8

    Welcome Sisters !

    You’ve survived week 1 and I am so dang proud of you for showing up everyday like a champ. Are you ready to take on week 2 which focuses on Standing Tall and Balancing?

    I’m inviting you to get on the mat and put down all your burdens of trying to be perfect and stop allowing those distractions around you interfere with who you are becoming.

    Feel the willingness, courage, tenacity, resilience. You’ve come this far; lets continue this walk of transformation together.

    What you often label as roadblocks in your life are actually doorways to discovering deeper truths about yourself, because its often the unplanned or unwanted situations in your life that show you the immense strength that resides at the core of your being.

    Embrace the journey your on even if it’s not turning out exactly how you planned. You’ve made a commitment to yourself and you are on your way to creating a lifestyle change your future self will thank you for later.

    Let’s do this thing sister!

    Journal Prompt for day 8 will be focused on answering these questions:

    Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

    Write a letter to yourself explaining why you are unique

    When have you done something that you thought you could not do?

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 7

    Welcome Sisters !

    Guess what?! You made it to Day 7! You have been doing YOGA for ONE WHOLE WEEK. We are so proud of you sister. We hope you have realized that you can do anything you set your mind to. You came on this yoga journey for a reason! Today I want you remind yourself of that reason.

    Today remind yourself of how determined and deserving you are. Remind yourself you are capable.

    Journal Prompt for day 7 will be focused on answering these questions:

    How do you treat people who can do nothing for you?

    Who on your social media is making you feel less than you are, go unfollow them and find new friends who inspires and lift you up! Follow us too @two_brave_sisters

    This week you were most blessed by.. ..In addition, list things you are grateful for