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    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 6

    Welcome Sisters !

    Here is to Day 6 of the Yoga Challenge. Yes, I know the first 5 days have been challenging mentally and physically but you survived. You made and that counts for everything! You are on track to creating new habits and breaking old ones. You are staying consistent and determined. That is exactly what this is all about.

    We are that along this journey you are forming new bonds and gaining accountability partners. If not sister, is there something stopping you?! Do not let fear be that reason.

    Today’s pose is Warrior 1. Perfect pose to remind you to bring out your inner warrior.

    Alright sister, it is time to step on to your mat and focus on yourself.

    Journal Prompt for day 6 will be focused on answering these questions:

    What or who lights you up?

    How much do you truly love yourself and what things can you change to love yourself more?

    Where would you like to travel in the next 5 years?

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 5

    Welcome Sisters !

    It’s Tuesday and you have made it to another day. You are breathing. Your heart is beating. And your eyes can see. Take a deep breath and embrace the view around you.

    Sister, life may be tough right now but you can do this. I promise. I have no doubt that whatever it is that today’s brings you will push through. You will make it. Why? Because you are brave. You are strong. And you have desire!

    Now take 1-2 minutes work on your breathing techniques, get your journal, your mat, and put on some soothing music because we are going to dig into the next pose, Upward Facing Dog.

    Journal Prompt for day 5 will be focused on answering these questions:

    Why are you worth knowing?

    Who is your best friend and what qualities makes them your best friend?

    Where would you want to live in your ideal life?

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 4

    Welcome Sisters !

    Monday oh dreaded Monday…. I hear this all the time from my friends and family because the weekend somehow how tends to fly faster than we can blink our eyes. But what if you could enjoy Monday’s a little more well sisters you can!

    You may be wondering how the heck is that possible, well it is completely doable. All you have to do is starting changing your mind set and daily/weekly habits.

    To ME Monday’s are a fresh start really everyday is a fresh start but something about Monday’s make me feel all excited. WAIT… what did you just say excited. YES I get excited about Monday’s!

    Monday’s bring about a new outlook you get 52 Monday’s a year to create weekly goals. When you set smaller short terms goals at the start of a new week you tend to accomplish more.

    So let’s go back to day 2 journal prompts…How are you doing really? TAKE a minute to focus on how you are truly feeling today before starting day 4. Okay now let’s go ove those 3 short terms goals you want to accomplish be the end of yoga challenge!

    Choose 1 goal and focus in detail how you can accomplish that this week.

    Lastly, I want you to truly reflect in the things you have always wanted to do but too scared to do.

    YOU are CAPABLE of doing it sister I BELIEVE in you!

    Today’s pose focuses on strengthening while also stretching and is one of the most popular poses downward dog.

    By now your getting into the rhythm of transitioning into each pose for 1-2 minutes before moving into the newest pose of the day. If you haven’t mastered this yet sister stop being so hard on yourself.. enjoy the journey and feel fre to go back to day 1 to refresh.

    Let’s get on that mat and feel the energy flowing deep inside #30daysbraveyoga

    Journal Prompt for day 4 will be focused on answering these questions:

    If there were a solution to your anxiety, how would it look like?

    What is your self-care routine, if you do not have one what can you start doing to care of yourself more often?

    What hobbies would you like to try?

  • yoga

    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 3

    Welcome Sisters !

    Happy Sunday! I hope you are ready to get in tune with your body and harness your inner energy. When you think of getting in tune with your body what is the first thing that comes to mind?…. Write it down in your journal and lets focus our energy towards those things.

    Because we run 100 mph the moments we get out of bed we tend to forget the basics of truly living in the moment. I can take a bet one of the first things you do is check our phones for messages or your social media. While I’ve been guilty of that myself I’ve decided to start a new routine for this entire yoga challenge.

    Yes of course, I know you had to use social media to access day 3 of the yoga challenge. Are you going to spend time getting distracted by all the things or are you going to take the next 15-20 minutes getting in tune with your body and mind?

    THIS Yoga challenge is just that a way to challenge your normal everyday habits and behaviors and maybe help you create a new more permanent one you LOVE.

    Today’s pose Chatauranga Dandasana is going to challenge and push your limits so be prepared to give yourseld alot of grace and focus on breathing.

    I highly recommend moving through the previous days poses mountain pose and plank pose to build the strength and habit you are looking for.

    Now go step onto the mat with your head held high and a huge smile on your face because sister you are a ROCK STAR who’s completed day 1 and day 2.

    Journal Prompt for day 3 will be focused on answering these questions:

    Are you finding your dream job or are you creating it?

    What is your favorite physical feature and why?

    What is something you would love to learn?

  • yoga

    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 2

    Welcome Sisters !

    Welcome back sisters so proud of you’ve made it to day 2! During day 1 you may have been feeling uncomfortable and that’s okay everyday will be completely different but you will become more comfortable in your body day by day.

    It’s important to listen to your body when moving into each pose. Remember through each pose it’s also essential to breathe to really get into a deep state of relaxation.

    You girl are going to really learn to love this next pose! If by chance you find any of these poses to challenging take your time and modify as needed.

    Today we are really focusing on building strength and cultivating through plank pose. A three step process to learn the building blocks for more advanced poses during this 30 Day yoga challenge. As you step on the mat really focus on quieting your mind focusing on breathing. So let’s get into mountain pose and take 1-2 minutes to really concentrate on your breathing before moving into learning plank pose.

    Journal Prompt for day 2 will be focused on answering these questions:

    How are you feeling, really?

    3 short term goals you want to accomplish by end of yoga challenge

    What is something you have always wanted to do but was too scared?

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 1

    Welcome Sisters !

    Day 1 of 30 days of yoga challenge begins today! Girl you have been waiting and waiting and the day has finally arrived, so get pumped up and ready to walk on this journey with your fellow sisters. Week 1 begins with the basics so do not be afraid and just enjoy the journey.

    We are so excited for each and everyone of you to experience how calming and restorative yoga can be. You maybe are just starting out as a newbie or have been on a yoga journey before. I know yoga can seem overwhelming because there are so many poses to learn, but we are here to encourage you through every step!

    I do not know where I am meeting you at your individual journey, you may feel like your not living your life with the best of intentions, at the place you hoped you be at, or you maybe are looking for something more to fill your cup everyday at step into a life with a greater purpose.

    Do you have clearly defined goals? Are you engaging with motivation or have been going through the motions?

    Your wellness practices defines who you are and how you show up for yourself and those closest to you. These wellness practices are going to lead you straight to the progress in your life your hoping for. Wellness is directly related to your well being and rooted to just being.

    So the next 30 days will be focused on being intentional with our wellness and incorporating yoga into our lives in a way that allows us to develop a deeper connection with ourselves, mind, body, and soul.

    We will be following The Journey Junkie 30 Yoga Poses to begin our journey into a showing up and a better way of living each and everyday. I would highly recommend getting a yoga mat, block prop, and a journal to document your daily journey.

    Journal Prompt for day 1 will be focusing on answering these questions:

    What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

    What do you need to make more time for?

    What are your strengths? What are you really good at?

  • yoga

    Challenge of the Month

    Welcome Sisters!

    February is upon us and for most of us those new years resolutions are still hanging on by only a thread… yes only a thread but hey I’m still showing up everyday doesn’t that count for something.

    Heck yes it does girl! You do you and you keep putting one step in front of the other. We are cheering you!

    For those of you who can’t quiet relate and already filling your head with lies about how that girl over on Instagram is still rocking the gym every single day and has a killer body already. Girl stop it.. you are right where belong in a community who’s going to show up for you every single day regardless of how well you showed up at the gym or how you just survived another day pushing through the chaos.

    Two Brave Sisters is a community of like minded women who show up, cheer you on, and encourage you to step outside that scary comfort zone of yours. We know you are all on a different journey, but together we can lift each other up and inspire one another to keep putting one foot in front of another because we are all made for something more than this life we are living in.

    So dang excited to step into February with huge intentions and massive goals on healing our mind body and soul on a new level with restorative yoga! Girl I’ll be the first to admit, I’m still beginner and have absolutely no idea what I’m getting myself into either, but what I can promise you is this. We will be by your side, showing up every day practicing and digging deep into find that connection you long for with yourself.

    Everyday you will receive a direct link to the newest yoga pose and a new journal prompt to dig deep into. Thank you for joining us on this journey for being curious about your yoga journey and have the courage to learn more about it.

    See you in just a few days brave sister! Make sure to follow us over at Instagram @two_brave_sisters https://www.instagram.com/two_brave_sisters/ and feel free to use the #30daysbraveyoga to document your journey along with us!