BRAVE Book Club

Know other Brave Sisters would love to learn more about the Enneagram?

Invite her to join Living Simply Brave Community, so you can learn together.

Over the course of the 5 weeks we will be learning about all 9 Enneagram types, the core motivations of each type, and why each type feels stuck in old patterns.

Let’s embark on self discovery and a healing journey together by reading “The Road Back To You” by Ian  Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile. 


Understanding who you are and why you do what you do allows you to start Living Simply Brave one moment at a time.



Week 1-( Feb 9th at 8:00 pm EST) –

Connect and learn about the origins of the Enneagram and how to find your type. Also learn about how 8’s & 9’s show up in the world.
*READ Chapters 1-4

Week 3– (Feb 23rd at 8:00 pm EST)-

Connect and learn about how 1’s, 2’s, 3’s & 4’s show up in the world.
*READ Chapters 5-8

Week 5– (March 9th at 8:00 pm EST)

Connect and learn about how 5’s, 6’s, & 7’s show up in the world. Also lean into embarking on your own your self discovery journey.

*READ Chapters 9-12

A guide map for discovering who you are and understanding why you think, feel, and behave. 
nine different basic types make up the enngram 
The best way to find out your enneagram type is to look at the core motivations, desires, and fears of all of the types.
I am here to guide you on “A Brave Enneagram Journey” and discover your enneagram type. 
There are many great tests that you can take. Here is  are two that I support:
Brave Enneagram 
The Enneagram Institute

Even though these two enneagram tests are fabulous resources, it’s important to understand that tests are generally only 40-60% accurate.
That’s why it’s important to continue to read the explanations of each type and what feels the most like you, despite the results.
Not necessarily.
No one is going to act and behave within their enneagram type 100% of the time, allowing people to take on some of the qualities of other types.
However, there is always one personality type that is more dominant and common for us to find relatable.
This type consists of a set of patterns that have been engrained in us since we were born.

Wings are the numbers on either side of your main enneagram type. A lot of people think that wings are just your “second highest number,” however, that is inaccurate. They must be on either side. For example, enneagram 1’s can either have a 9 wing or a 2 wing. Most people feel that they have a stronger wing, but you can tap into qualities of both.

You are on a self-love journey!
You want to figure out how to relate to others in a deep and meaningful way.
You want to better understand the motivations behind the ways that you think, feel, and behave.
You want to learn how to relate to your colleagues and those whom you work with in a professional setting.
You want to live a purposeful life. 
Ready to take the next steps on your self discovery journey? Join me and other Brave Women in The Brave Collective a membership community for women who walking out their healing journey’s one BRAVE moment at a time. 
I am ridiculously passionate empowering women to break free from fear and shame, rebuild their lives, set boundaries, and cultivate healthier realtionships.

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