Brave Enneagram Club

  • Brave Enneagram Club,  Life,  Living Simply Brave,  Study Group

    Brave Enneagram Club

    Doors are opening to the Brave Enneagram Club on June 6th!

    If you are wondering what the Brave Enneagram Club it is a 3 month group coaching program with yours truly 😊

    The Enneagram is YOUR roadmap to discovering WHO YOU ARE! A journey of self-discovery into why you think, feel, and act everyday.

    Brave Enneagram Club- is all about connecting and guiding you on a journey to discovering who you were created to become. You will gain more clarity in so you can break free from shame, fear, and self condemnation.Each week is broken down into easy to understand milestones to guide you through discovering your authentic self.Experience transformation in your health,life, and relationships where you can be seen, heard,and loved as your TRUE SELF.

    The Brave Enneagram Club might be a good fit if you are:

    • Are you struggling with where to begin because now everything is different ?
    • Are you struggle to find yourself and set boundaries?
    • Are you looking for a coach to help implement a clear action plan to make changes in your new routine?
    • Are you looking to heal during this season?
    • Are you wanting to connect with other Brave Sisters on their Enneagram Journey?

    You are not alone on this journey, so many of us have taken on new roles at home and make sacrifices where we can.

    How are your thoughts, feelings, and actions shaping the way you live everyday?

    I’m here to help you create a real life ACTION PLAN to help you thrive during this season so you can:

    • Break free from limiting beliefs
    • Gain clarity around what things you can and cannot control
    • Connect with like minded women
    • Focus on your needs and implement a self care routine daily
    • Dedicate time to pursuing a life full of purpose
    • Cultivate the confidence and courage to set boundaries
    • Build exceptional relationships

    Each of us see the world in one of nine ways which influences how we think, feel, and act with others.

    Discovering your #enneagramtype is the next step to Living Simply Brave one moment at a time. *Registration is limited to only 12 Brave Sisters