30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 29
Welcome Sisters!
Reveal your true inner self to everyone around because they are waiting. Most days we walk around hiding our true identities because of fear sharing our true selves with others because we are different.
We are approaching the end of this 30 day Brave yoga challenge and I know you have faced many challenges moving into each pose but what have you learned?
#30daysbraveyoga #twobravesisters @two_brave_sisters #braveyogaeveryday #simplybraveeveryday
Journal Prompt for day 29 will be focused on answering these questions:
3 long term goals you want to accomplish by end of year
What distractions have been hindering my productivity? How can I reduce them?
Where does your pain originate? What would need to happen for you to heal?
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30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 28
Welcome Sisters!
Can you believe were on day 28 oh my goodness Brave Sisters you are all doing an amazing job still showing up and kicking butt..
It’s funny how at the beginning of the 30 day brave yoga challenge we were all asking our selves all sorts of ” if only” questions
If only I was more flexible I could do these poses
If only I was more morning person I would get up first thing in the morning and get my daily yoga pose in
If only I was strong enough I would be able to get the pose just right the first time
Brave Sister you were not alone in these thoughts… or negative self talk at all.. BUT where are your thoughts now sisters?
Are you feeling a lot more confidant now that you have been getting on your mat everyday or are you still struggling with some of these thoughts?
Research has shown that boosting your “daily uplifts” ( uplifts are moments of caring connection with other people, with nature, with God, your deepest authentic self, yoga, with anything that makes you feel nurtured or cared about) factor can make the difference between thriving and just surving.
So are you going to continue to thrive or go back to surviving everyday..
Because I’m going to continue thriving and making a commitment to myself of practicing yoga everyday in 2019 and learn as many new poses/ flows to nurture my mind body and soul.
Would you like to continue your journey along side me ? I would love the companionship and support. Leave a comment below or contact me directly to connect with me.
#30daysbraveyoga #twobravesisters @two_brave_sisters #braveyogaeveryday #simplybraveeveryday
Journal Prompt for day 28 will be focused on answering these questions:
What do you need to start saying yes to?
What do I love about life and how can I live more passionately?
What/who inspires you the most? Why are you drawn to those inspirations?
30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 27
Welcome Sisters!
Happy Wednesday Brave Sisters!
We have made it to day 27 of the 30 day Brave yoga challenge woo hoo that is definitely something to celebrate.
Alot of you Sisters have been really stepping outside your comfort zones and I am so proud of you. I’ve really noticed alot more connection with my body as I step on the mat more and more.
My true hope is you are feeling the exact same thing, I know alot of you Sisters are brand new to this yoga thing. However, when you remember your on your own individual yoga journey, you can find inner strength to keep investing in yourself.
Self care over the last few months has been so so important for us, because without it we tend to fall into old habits you know the ones I’m talking about..eating everything in sight, negative thoughts, not choosing the right moments to really reflect upon.
Keep on showing up because you know what happens when you stop, so dont give up on yourself.
Live Simply Brave
#30daysbraveyoga #twobravesisters @two_brave_sisters #braveyogaeveryday #simplybraveeveryday
Journal Prompt for day 27 will be focused on answering these questions:
What makes you happiest in life?
What would you do if you were not afraid?What makes me come alive?
When was the last time I felt truly alive?
30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 26
Welcome Brave Sisters!
Community to me has always been about connecting with others, helping them grow as individuals and staying on track.
Seeing each and everyone of you grow through your individual yoga journey has truly inspired me to keep healing myself.
We tend to get wrapped up in our vulnerability and shut it down before letting any of escape. But what if we allowed this vulnerability to empower us to grow more as individuals?
Every single day of this challenge we have documented our individual yoga journeys with pictures and videos clips. You may ask why everyday would you be doing this, you cant possible see any difference from one day to another.
In fact this is exactly what we’ve encountered, small changes day to day. We all have days when we dont wanna show, or were too tired, or something just doesn’t feel right. Instead of giving up before I get started we have our own personal inspiration at our fingertips.
We’ve made it to day 26 and I can’t believe how time seems to be flying by. I want to encourage you to continue showing up regardless how you may be feeling today because your futureself we be saying thank you.
Live Simply Brave
#30daysbraveyoga #twobravesisters @two_brave_sisters #braveyogaeveryday #simplybraveeveryday
Journal Prompt for day 26 will be focused on answering these questions:
When do you feel most confidant?
If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be and why?
What does my ideal day look like?
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30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 21
Welcome Sisters!
The present moment is all we have, so embrace the journey❤️ you are on today as we end week 3 today.
Yes, we have plans and goals, a vision for tomorrow. But now is the only time we posses. And it is enough.
Clear your mind of the residue of yesterday, clear your mind of fears of tomorrow, become fully present now so we can reach the fullness of tomorrow.
Have no fear, have no regrets, relinquish your resentments.
All you have is the present moment. Be still.
Be here.
Trust.Journal Prompt for day 21 will be focused on answering these questions:
What do you want people to remember about you?
Where do you feel safe and loved? WhyWho means the world to you and why?
30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 20
Welcome Sisters!
As we approach the end week 3 I want you all to remember we are powerless over other people’s expectations of us. We cannot control what others want, what they expect, or what they want us to do and be. However, we can control how we respond to other people’s expectations.
During the course of any day people may make demands on our time, talents, energy, and emotions. We can sey boundaries, limits on how far we shall go with others. We can trust and listen to ourselves.We CAN set goals and direction for OUR LIFE. We can place value on OURSELVES.
Think about what YOU want. Consider how responding to another’s needs will affect the course of your life, we shall fully embrace living our lives. We have the power to choose our path and not let the expectations control the course of our life.
Journal Prompt for day 20 will be focused on answering these questions:
If I really loved myself I would____ Spend some time really sitting with this idea and find a new way to incorporate this into your daily life.
Make a list of your accomplishments
What lessons did I learn this week?
30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 19
Welcome Sisters!
As we are finishing up week 3 I want you to remember each and everyone of us has a story to tell and each of us are writing our own yoga journey.
Showing up every single day is the first step, getting on your mat to practice and be with your thoughts is the second step, and yes you guessed it the third step is the feeling you get after moving your body in ways you wouldnt of had if you hadn’t shown up today.
Your are brave my sister! Take a few minutes to sit and meditate then I want you to journal what ever comes to mind. Let the thoughts flow out on paper, now stand tall and step on to the mat.
Journal Prompt for day 19 will be focused on answering these questions:
Spend 5 minutes writing a letter to yourself younger version of yourselfYou are afraid people won’t like/love/accept/want me if they knew _______ about you.
Spend some time really sitting with this idea and learning to not let other people’s opinion’s speak life into you because they are really NONE of your business. Own your unique self
30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 18
Welcome Sisters!
Happy Monday! “Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and in the end you are sure to succeed” -Abraham Lincoln
Do not be discouraged today, for this is a new week filled with hope, strength, and courage. My sisters you are far more capable then you realize, so sit in silence with your thoughts and bring those dreams to light.
Journal Prompt for day 18 will be focused on answering these questions:
What in your life are you most grateful for?
When you were a child, you liked to__________
If you could share one message with the world, what would it be?
30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 17
Welcome Sisters!
Happy Sunday! I hope you are enjoying this weekend and resting because sundays are all about being present and reflecting on the week to come.
You may be walking through a tough season or sitting atop a mountain, but you will always be loved deeply by God.
Cherish each and every moment as if it was the last one you will get for tomorrow is not promised.
Journal Prompt for day 17 will be focused on answering these questions:
What is your biggest regret? Why and what have you done to make amends and/or forgive yourself?
A mission statement is concise way of explaining an organizations purpose and goals. Write a mission statement for yourself
What advice would you give to your younger self? (Do you follow this advice yourself?)
30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 16
Welcome Sisters!
You are back for another day of yoga and I am so thankful that you are sticking with it and sticking it through! Keep staying strong. Don’t get discouraged by the obstacles that get thrown your way. You will get through it, just breath and take it one obstacle at a time. Do not worry.
Take time today and focus on yourself. This journey is all about self love and finding a deeper connection within yourself.
Step on your mat and focus on your breathing for 1-2 minutes. Proceed with todays journaling and yoga pose.
Journal Prompt for day 16 will be focused on answering these questions:
What are you proud of? What do you see as your biggest accomplishment?
Describe your best birthday ever
If I had all the time in the world, what would I want to do first?