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    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 4

    Welcome Sisters !

    Monday oh dreaded Monday…. I hear this all the time from my friends and family because the weekend somehow how tends to fly faster than we can blink our eyes. But what if you could enjoy Monday’s a little more well sisters you can!

    You may be wondering how the heck is that possible, well it is completely doable. All you have to do is starting changing your mind set and daily/weekly habits.

    To ME Monday’s are a fresh start really everyday is a fresh start but something about Monday’s make me feel all excited. WAIT… what did you just say excited. YES I get excited about Monday’s!

    Monday’s bring about a new outlook you get 52 Monday’s a year to create weekly goals. When you set smaller short terms goals at the start of a new week you tend to accomplish more.

    So let’s go back to day 2 journal prompts…How are you doing really? TAKE a minute to focus on how you are truly feeling today before starting day 4. Okay now let’s go ove those 3 short terms goals you want to accomplish be the end of yoga challenge!

    Choose 1 goal and focus in detail how you can accomplish that this week.

    Lastly, I want you to truly reflect in the things you have always wanted to do but too scared to do.

    YOU are CAPABLE of doing it sister I BELIEVE in you!

    Today’s pose focuses on strengthening while also stretching and is one of the most popular poses downward dog.

    By now your getting into the rhythm of transitioning into each pose for 1-2 minutes before moving into the newest pose of the day. If you haven’t mastered this yet sister stop being so hard on yourself.. enjoy the journey and feel fre to go back to day 1 to refresh.

    Let’s get on that mat and feel the energy flowing deep inside #30daysbraveyoga

    Journal Prompt for day 4 will be focused on answering these questions:

    If there were a solution to your anxiety, how would it look like?

    What is your self-care routine, if you do not have one what can you start doing to care of yourself more often?

    What hobbies would you like to try?

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    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 1

    Welcome Sisters !

    Day 1 of 30 days of yoga challenge begins today! Girl you have been waiting and waiting and the day has finally arrived, so get pumped up and ready to walk on this journey with your fellow sisters. Week 1 begins with the basics so do not be afraid and just enjoy the journey.

    We are so excited for each and everyone of you to experience how calming and restorative yoga can be. You maybe are just starting out as a newbie or have been on a yoga journey before. I know yoga can seem overwhelming because there are so many poses to learn, but we are here to encourage you through every step!

    I do not know where I am meeting you at your individual journey, you may feel like your not living your life with the best of intentions, at the place you hoped you be at, or you maybe are looking for something more to fill your cup everyday at step into a life with a greater purpose.

    Do you have clearly defined goals? Are you engaging with motivation or have been going through the motions?

    Your wellness practices defines who you are and how you show up for yourself and those closest to you. These wellness practices are going to lead you straight to the progress in your life your hoping for. Wellness is directly related to your well being and rooted to just being.

    So the next 30 days will be focused on being intentional with our wellness and incorporating yoga into our lives in a way that allows us to develop a deeper connection with ourselves, mind, body, and soul.

    We will be following The Journey Junkie 30 Yoga Poses to begin our journey into a showing up and a better way of living each and everyday. I would highly recommend getting a yoga mat, block prop, and a journal to document your daily journey.

    Journal Prompt for day 1 will be focusing on answering these questions:

    What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

    What do you need to make more time for?

    What are your strengths? What are you really good at?