
  • yoga

    30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 30

    Welcome Sisters!

    #30daysbraveyoga #twobravesisters @two_brave_sisters #braveyogaeveryday #simplybraveeveryday

    Journal Prompt for day 30 will be focused on answering these questions:

    What have you learned from this 30 day yoga challenge?

    What do you need to forgive yourself for?

    What limiting beliefs of mine are keeping me from taking my life to the next level?

    Join Two Brave Sisters Community

    * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name

  • yoga

    30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 25

    Welcome Sisters!

    Monday oh Monday you have arrived!

    I hope you Brave sisters had an AMAZING weekend filled with lots of adventures and special moments.

    Wow, what a journey this has been so far I’m so proud of you all for continuing to show up and face those fears. Each an everyday has been a little more challenging but I want you to remember as we finish off this 30 day Brave yoga challenge to continue to challenge yourself.

    I dont want you getting caught up in perfection or judging yourself for not mastering these poses in one day, because girl this takes time and practicing yoga will always be a journey.

    I want you to take a minute and praise yourself for showing up yet again on day 25 of the 30 day Brave yoga challenge!

    None of us are perfect so dont expect yourself to be! We will make mistakes along the way but dont let that be the reason why you fall off track.

    However, you can continue to show up everyday and make small improvements. You are on a path of your own individual success.

    Be proud to be standing on a mountain top of failures rather than being buried deep beneath them.

    Live Simply Brave

    #30daysbraveyoga #yogaeveryday #twobravesisters @two_brave_sisters

    Journal Prompt for day 25 will be focused on answering these questions:

    Who inspires you most in life?

    I think I’m really good at______ and I know this because______

    List all your small victories and successes this past week

    Join Two Brave Sisters Community

    * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name

  • yoga

    30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 24

    Welcome Sisters!

    Learning to identify what we’re feeling is a challenge we can meet, but we will not become experts overnight.

    I encourage you Sisters to sit down on your mat or in a quiet place and take out your journal and write this at the top

    If it was okay to feel whatever I’m feeling, and I wouldn’t be judged as bad or wrong, what would I be feeling?”

    Write what ever comes to mind

    We often spend alot of our time thinking and worrying about others opinions or obsessing over what happend in a conversation. I’m hoping this exercise will help you work through this and process your feelings in a more healthy way.

    Sunday’s are a day made for rest so rest your thoughts in safe a place and get on your mat to move through the flow of th day.

    Journal Prompt for day 24 will be focused on answering these questions:

    Vision board if you created one what would be on it and why?

    When I’m an old woman, I hope_______

    What is bothering you and why?

  • yoga

    30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 23

    Welcome Sisters!

    Rise up and conquer those fears! You are capable of mighty things my Brave sister, you are right where you belong today in this moment.

    As you prepare for today’s adventures remember this we dont always have to be strong to be strong. Sometimes our strength can found in our vulnerability. Sometimes, we need to fall apart to regroup and stay on track.

    Part of taking care of ourselves means we give ourselves permission to fall apart wwhn we need to. We dont need to be constant towers of strength every single day, because we are STRONG !

    We have proven that time and time again, day in and day out.

    Our strength will continue if we allow ourselves the courage to feel scared, weak, and vulnerable when we need to experience those feelings. This is where the true strength comes from.

    Step on your mat if you aren’t already, you are enough my dear sister and wonderfully made new.

    Now take a few minutes to focus on just your breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you feel the emotions and anxiety let them go as you breathe deeper and deeper.

    Journal Prompt for day 23 will be focused on answering these questions:

    What is something you are proud of today?

    If a genie magically appeared, what would you wish for? 

    What are your priorities at the moment?

  • yoga

    30 Day Yoga Challenge- Day 22

    Welcome Sisters!


    This week may have been one of the best weeks of your life or may be it wasn’t, either way sister you made it! That is what counts. You have continued to show up and show out.

    Remember to never stop loving yourself. Never stop working on yourself just because the weekend has arrived. In no means does that change the way we love ourselves.

    Go out. Be Bold. Be Courageous. Be Strong

    You’ve got this sister and we are so darn proud of you!

    #30daysbraveyoga #day22 #twobravesisters @two_brave_sisters 

    Journal Prompt for day 22 will be focused on answering these questions:

    10-year dream plan

    What do you wish your parents did differently while raising you? If you have kids do you ever feel like you are doing some of these behaviors if so, how can you start making changes to make new impact that is more positive on your kiddos?

    What do you love about yourself?

  • yoga

    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 11

    Welcome Sisters!

    Happy Monday! We hope that each and everyone of you enjoyed your weekend. We hope that it was filled with blessings and showed you every reason to be grateful.

    It is a new week. Which means new opportunities, new changes, and new habits to create while breaking old ones. Our hope this week is that you continue to grow and work on yourself, that you dig deeper into finding your true self. We hope that you continue finding your yoga flow.

    Journal Prompt for day 11 will be focused on answering these questions:

    Describe your dream vacation

    What do you need more of in your life?

    If you could go back in time, what would you say to yourself at age 5, 15, 25?

  • yoga

    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 3

    Welcome Sisters !

    Happy Sunday! I hope you are ready to get in tune with your body and harness your inner energy. When you think of getting in tune with your body what is the first thing that comes to mind?…. Write it down in your journal and lets focus our energy towards those things.

    Because we run 100 mph the moments we get out of bed we tend to forget the basics of truly living in the moment. I can take a bet one of the first things you do is check our phones for messages or your social media. While I’ve been guilty of that myself I’ve decided to start a new routine for this entire yoga challenge.

    Yes of course, I know you had to use social media to access day 3 of the yoga challenge. Are you going to spend time getting distracted by all the things or are you going to take the next 15-20 minutes getting in tune with your body and mind?

    THIS Yoga challenge is just that a way to challenge your normal everyday habits and behaviors and maybe help you create a new more permanent one you LOVE.

    Today’s pose Chatauranga Dandasana is going to challenge and push your limits so be prepared to give yourseld alot of grace and focus on breathing.

    I highly recommend moving through the previous days poses mountain pose and plank pose to build the strength and habit you are looking for.

    Now go step onto the mat with your head held high and a huge smile on your face because sister you are a ROCK STAR who’s completed day 1 and day 2.

    Journal Prompt for day 3 will be focused on answering these questions:

    Are you finding your dream job or are you creating it?

    What is your favorite physical feature and why?

    What is something you would love to learn?

  • yoga

    30 Day Yoga Challenge – Day 2

    Welcome Sisters !

    Welcome back sisters so proud of you’ve made it to day 2! During day 1 you may have been feeling uncomfortable and that’s okay everyday will be completely different but you will become more comfortable in your body day by day.

    It’s important to listen to your body when moving into each pose. Remember through each pose it’s also essential to breathe to really get into a deep state of relaxation.

    You girl are going to really learn to love this next pose! If by chance you find any of these poses to challenging take your time and modify as needed.

    Today we are really focusing on building strength and cultivating through plank pose. A three step process to learn the building blocks for more advanced poses during this 30 Day yoga challenge. As you step on the mat really focus on quieting your mind focusing on breathing. So let’s get into mountain pose and take 1-2 minutes to really concentrate on your breathing before moving into learning plank pose.

    Journal Prompt for day 2 will be focused on answering these questions:

    How are you feeling, really?

    3 short term goals you want to accomplish by end of yoga challenge

    What is something you have always wanted to do but was too scared?

  • yoga

    Challenge of the Month

    Welcome Sisters!

    February is upon us and for most of us those new years resolutions are still hanging on by only a thread… yes only a thread but hey I’m still showing up everyday doesn’t that count for something.

    Heck yes it does girl! You do you and you keep putting one step in front of the other. We are cheering you!

    For those of you who can’t quiet relate and already filling your head with lies about how that girl over on Instagram is still rocking the gym every single day and has a killer body already. Girl stop it.. you are right where belong in a community who’s going to show up for you every single day regardless of how well you showed up at the gym or how you just survived another day pushing through the chaos.

    Two Brave Sisters is a community of like minded women who show up, cheer you on, and encourage you to step outside that scary comfort zone of yours. We know you are all on a different journey, but together we can lift each other up and inspire one another to keep putting one foot in front of another because we are all made for something more than this life we are living in.

    So dang excited to step into February with huge intentions and massive goals on healing our mind body and soul on a new level with restorative yoga! Girl I’ll be the first to admit, I’m still beginner and have absolutely no idea what I’m getting myself into either, but what I can promise you is this. We will be by your side, showing up every day practicing and digging deep into find that connection you long for with yourself.

    Everyday you will receive a direct link to the newest yoga pose and a new journal prompt to dig deep into. Thank you for joining us on this journey for being curious about your yoga journey and have the courage to learn more about it.

    See you in just a few days brave sister! Make sure to follow us over at Instagram @two_brave_sisters and feel free to use the #30daysbraveyoga to document your journey along with us!