• Finding God,  Life

    Nourish Your Body

    Day 4 of 30 days of Taming Your Stress

    “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” -1 Corinthians 10:31

    Each day is filled with hustle and bustle the constant drive to chase after ALL the things, but when we lay our heads down at night we physically feel terrible. WHY??

    Because we are not physically nourishing our bodies with nutrients to keep us fueled throughout the day. Everyday it’s struggle to keep up with the demands of this world.

    Yet, if we were to start a new journey into nourishing our bodies we might live a more fuller life where we can thrive not and just survive anymore.

    Several years ago when my second daughter was born I realized how important it was to truly nourish my body especially since I was the sole provider of nutrients for her first 6-8 months of life. It wasn’t until a few years ago when I was hospitalized for 8 days straight when I had a second wake up call to nourishing my body at a different level.

    Six months after my hospitalization I was still being seen by every doctor under the sun, yet I still didn’t have any true answers of why my body was completely shutting down even though I was a very healthy 30 year old.

    It wasn’t until I received the diagnosis of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) also as know as MONO, which most of us get as young children, did I truly realize I knew I need to FIND A NEW WAY because the life I wanted was fading away quickly!

    Each and everyone of at some point in our lives indulges in junk food… you know the kinda food with no real food value, but tastes delicious while were eating it or so we think. Yet in a short period of time we are still craving something else or still hungry. Do you ever remember a time in your life when you over indulge in food.. and it turned into a bad habitat you struggled with?

    I know I have and it was a hard habitat to kick, because we become addicted to those types of food and our bodies even begin to create ways to flourish off the junk.

    My health journey has been a long one for sure, but worth every moment, so today I encourage you to challenge yourself with one new life changing habitat.


    Take it slow and steady, start with small goals. Because consistently over time you will retrain your brain to make better choices subconsciously.

    If you are struggling with you health and want to make some changes, my inbox is always open. As I am writing this blog .. I am happy to announce I am officially 100% vegetarian as of 1 month ago..

    Today’s Prayer: Father, please give me the desire and the discipline to consume foods that properly nourish my body.

    To go a little deeper grab a copy of

    30 Days to Taming Your Stress