• Life

    Weight of the World, upon our shoulders…

    Do you ever feel like you constantly have the weight of the world sitting on your shoulders.. holding you down so much you feel like you can’t get back up?

    No matter what you do to relieve this weight it stays there, it’s a constant battle to keep going, to get up, to get rid of all this weight, feel like your limits, and your boundaries are being pushed?

    I know this has been a constant battle for me this year and its SO frustrating to ALWAYS feel like you’re going 100 mph. Constant expectations of those around you just keep pilling up; feeling like NO matter what you do you CAN’T meet those expectations.. just moments from breaking.

    But have you ever stopped and took time for YOURSELF?

    Your answer is probably no! Brave Sister you have to remember just like I do to take care of yourself and while you may have the weight of the world on your shoulder’s it’s not yours to always carry.

    It is not your problem to constantly worry about what others think, feel, or say about you in any way!

    Brave Sister I need you to remember it is okay to be SELFISH

    Brave Sister definition of SELFISH :the act of doing for one’s self; not another; leading to a more fulfilled life with family and friends)

    It’s okay to say NO, to only worry about yourself when you can no longer keep going..

    Don’t ever let others make you feel guilty or feel any less. You DO NOT need to constantly carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, you DO NOT need to keep tending to the needs of others, and you DO NOT need to meet anybody’s expectations but your OWN!

    You need to remember that you are WORTHY, you are LOVED and no matter where we go in life you are WANT

  • Life

    Embracing a new journey

    As I sit down to write.. I am overwhelmed with feelings of the past, present, and future. I can’t figure out where to start my story. I’ve been waiting for the right time to journal and get those feelings out of my head onto paper. But it never happens, I just find another excuse to busy myself so that I don’t have to feel those feelings. Can you relate?

    For so long I’ve ignored these so called feelings.. what are feelings anyways? Feelings can be defined as an emotional state or reaction but do you ever really spend anytime during the day to allow yourself to really feel any emotions. Most likely not. I have to admit I actually spend way to much time feeling..in fact I think I spend a good portion of my day feeling everything for EVERYONE ELSE around me.

    THIS keeps me from feeling my own feelings..molding and putting myself into everyone else’s shoes in the IMMEDIATE present.. so how does this all come full circle.. I find it way easier to ignore my own feelings and focus my attention toward those around me who seem to need my help in some way regardless of if they really do or not.

    TODAY I am claiming this simple fact and not letting the fear of being seen completely as myself in this present moment SHAMEFUL no in fact I am going to be BRAVE and continue to share my story in hopes of inspiring someone to look a bit deeper into themselves and start asking their own questions as to

    WHO are you?

    WHERE are you going?

    WHAT are you doing to do to get there?

    Well I’ve finally decided to just make a commitment to myself and just dedicate time every week to show up as my true self… completely vulnerable and just write no matter what it is.. I WILL WRITE!

    As Brene Brown says “How much we know and understand ourselves is critically important, but there is something that is even more essential to living a Wholehearted life: LOVING OURSELVES

    so this is me LOVING MYSELF, sharing the everyday truths of my life regardless of who shows up, where I am, and what is happening. I am learning everyday to take one step at a time to walking towards who God’s called me to be.

    Accepting the true hard fact it’s okay to say
    “NO” rather than “SURE”

    So cheers to learning how to worry more about how I feel and less about “what people might thinkSetting NEW boundaries by letting go of MY need to please, perform, and perfect everyone and everything by showing up and living simply brave everyday! #TwoBraveSisters

    Your Brave Sister-Liza Jean